Monday, August 15, 2005


I have realised

-that life is more of a bollywood movie than a hollywood movie.

-that i am a normal sentimental idiotic human being like everyone else as opposed to the completely rational and logical superhero that i always thought i was.

-that the rules in life keep changing and you need to change accordingly. Otherwise you get left behind.

-that in the end it dosent even matter. In the end you are all alone. There are milestones and there are milesotnes. But they are exactly that. Just milestones. you got to move on and make the most of what is left with you.

That is probably why they are called milestones. You leave them behind and move onto the next milestone.


ritzkini said...

profound ! really profound !

LEGOLAS said...





Virdi said...

Nothing else matter... Metallica... good song.. and yes nothign else matters...
why dont u increase the frequency of writing?? may be twice a week?

Anonymous said...

On my rare visits to this page, i am always dumbfounded.