Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Life is Unfair!!!

You hear a lot of people cribbing about the injustice life metes out to them. That is stupid. To blame something as vague as "life" for what are essentially your mistakes is being idiotic to the highest degree and greatest power(yeah..i copied that from Flavours).

Life is actually very very fair. I cant stress this point enough. Well i actually can but i dont want to. Life is the fairest thing there ever is. Everybody gets what he/she deserves.

So people, can the crap like "life is unfair".


wiseorotherwise said...

Explain, Vatsa! I need more dope on this! :-W

LEGOLAS said...

Same here raj dude.
I also need more dope. Not a single peddler in Chennai because of heightened police presence due to the upcoming elections.