Thursday, April 14, 2005


This article is in response to the first piece of Hate mail i got. It is infact a Hate Comment. The Hate comment was in reponse to the Hicki artilce i have written.

Here is the Comment. For the purpose of lucidity i am assuming ANIMA to be a Girl. To be a member of the Female Community. To be a Woman.

anima said...

ok mr. under achiever..first off, ur spellings suck(try spell check).second, ur beyond pity..
third, ur lucky she still associates with a selfconfessed disgusting,pity seeking,pita* "pervert" like advice: GET A BLOODY LIFE!!..on second thot, thats asking for too much,GET A HOBBY..
ps:try a diary .that way its less embarassing for all of us..
BTW SHE'S MY SISTER..pyscho...

I really cannot beleive that i am actually pissing off people to the extent that they bother writing Hate mail. So here is a clarification first.

Anima, as far as i know the girl i was talking about has a younger sister whose name is NOT Anima. So there may have been a misunderstanding. A case of mistaken identity. If that is the case i see no point in retorting to this piece of shit you have written because your foolishness and stupidity are quite apparent in the way you have jumped to conclusions without checking the facts first.

But that may very well not be the case. You may be a cousin i have not heard of. A close friend who considers herself a sister. Or quite simply you may be her sister and anima might be your nickname. In that case you better take note of what i have got to say.

First off, If you have second "thots", then it is an irony that you are pointing out my mistakes. Why dont you try a Dictionary?

Second: I am beyond pity. Yeah thanks for telling me that.

Third: If she is still associating with a selfconfessed disgusting,pity seeking,pita* "pervert" like ME, then as her sister you should be more concerned about her than me. Because something has to be wrong with her. Either that or i am NOT at all like you have described me. In either case you are the dumbass. The one that is shooting shit from her mouth just because she has one.

Tell your sister to get a life and ask her to stop "associating" with people like me. More importantly YOU get a LIFE. I actually wouldnt care about you and your life and hobbies if you stopped pissing and crapping in MY Webpage.

I will not mind publishing my thoughts on the net because i dont have anything to be ashamed of. If you are embarassed by what i have written, then here is an idea. Shut the fuck up and stop embarassing yourself further by making such stupid statements.

P.S: The whole article has been written under the assumption that you are a rational human being and that you have NOT written this comment just because your sister has told you some cock story about me. I am assuming that you have atleast listened to her version of what has happened. If that is not the case then GOD HELP YOU!!!.

P.S 2: I would be grateful if you tell me what inspired you to write the comment. That is, tell me the story that your sister told you. I promise that I wont delete it if you post it as a comment.


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

what can i say dude!
u r absolutely right on concluding its a femme!
-asks ppl to use a dictionary, and needs one for herself
-talks about dictionary, and all punctuations are wrong [comma space et all]
hell are we doing some english grammar competition here?!

if all written [in hicki] is all to the matter, then a fitting (and deserving) retort!

am looking forward to the story too.!!


LEGOLAS said...


The story is still a fresh wound. Let it heal a bit. Will tell the whole story in episodes. Ekta kapoor tear jerker level. :)

Anonymous said...

i actually meant about the story u wrote on ur ps 2
i dont mind other stories too!

LEGOLAS said...

Yeah me waiting for that story too!!!
ok since you havent asked for that story i wont publish it ;)

Anonymous said...

damn it
i cant sleep anymore

LEGOLAS said...

I dont think she will reply Mark.

me too losing sleep checking comments every 5 mins.

Anonymous said...

damn again
i ll hold u responsible, if anything to me due to lack of sleep! ;-)!

Virdi said...

hi legolas,
screw her!!!

Chumma said...

Man u raped the shit outa tht female ....... Proved once again tht females r dumb !!!!!