Monday, April 04, 2005


It is raining here in Chennai. After two weeks of blistering heat in the second fortnight of March, i was beginning to wonder how i was going to stay here in May. But then yesterday morning i woke up to the pleasant sound of rain hitting my window and the more than pleasant smell of sunbaked soil getting wet in the rain.

Today morning was no different. Except for the smell maybe. I usually need the slightest of excuses or sometimes no excuse at all to bunk my classes. And now it was raining. So i did not attend a single class these last 2 days. Whole 2 days were spent lazing around and watching movies. Inactivity reached its peak. The only interesting thing happening at that moment in my life was the inter hotel tennis matches. And they got cancelled because it was raining. So i was confined to my room. No physical activity of any sort.

Rain has this amazing effect on me. Especially rain in the middle of summer. It dulls and numbs me. Not only physically but also mentally. Meaning i dont even want to think when it is raining. Just lay around all day smoking and watching movies and eating pizza. Rain is an excuse i use to release myself. And do what i like to do most ...nothing. It gives me a sort of pleasure to see others also not do anything for a change. To see people who are usually busy and bustling with activity not doing anything. To see them helpless. To see them brought down to my level by forces greater than them.


Alaknanda said...

"To see them helpless. To see them brought down to my level by forces greater than them."


LEGOLAS said...



Anonymous said...

read ur hicki and this post!
move on!!
females aint worth it!

LEGOLAS said...

Hey Mark
Are you from IITM?
i know of a Mark in Jamuna hostel.

Anonymous said...

no i am not from iitm.
does it matter?

LEGOLAS said...


It dosent matter Dude!!
It dosent matter
Thanks for visiting my page so often.
And you are absolutely right when you say Females aint worth it.

Will heed your advice :)

Anonymous said...

well you guys probably don know enough females!

LEGOLAS said...

Would that mean some of them are worth it?

Anonymous said...

Definitely, a few females are just more than worth it