Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Quiz Time

Exam(we call them quizzes...probably coz they puzzle most of us most of the time) time in my college is typical. It will be an excellent case study for people studying psychology.

here is what i do during quiz time

i dont take bath for the whole quiz week and i dont shave either. that is becos it gives me a rugged worn out look. that way i atleast hope to fool some junta into beleiving that i have been studying(we call it MUGGING...apt dont u think) day in and night out. Offlate even this ploy is not working. :(

i sleep around noon and wake up when i cant sleep anymore. that would be because of all the mosquitoes that come from nowhere in the evenings and disturb me. Damn them!!!

Then i relegiously go to the coffee stall outside my hostel and have some coffee and a cigarette.
then comes the painful process of xeroxing notes. haha...u guessed right...i write no notes. For this i have to serach for some relaible guys notes. one who dosent bunk any classes and is very good at writing down whatever goes on in class. A lot of people turn up at the shop during this time. a typical conversation goes something like this.

me: started?

him: no da. just came to xerox notes.

me: where are u mugging from?

him: i have darisi's notes. i also have the text book. what abt u?.have u started?/*gives a sly smile*/

me: /*laughing*/ what do u think. ob i have not started. i dont even have the notes. macha get me a copy also da. i will pay u later.

The guy gives a dark look and moves on.

there are 4 xerox shops and they make a killing during quiz time. in fact they work more than us to get all the xeroxs done on time.

finally at around 7 i stroll into the mess, eat wahtever shit is served and go to collect my copy of the copy of the copy of the copy of the notes. yes that is how many times it has been recycled.
finally start to mug. take a half an hour break every fifteen minutes. hope that some enlightened soul comes to put fundaes to you. (that rarely happens u know). mug thru the night continuing the break routine.

sleep at 6 in the morning and wake up at 7.(now u know why i sleep in the noon ). go to the quiz 10 mins late. (it is a 50 min quiz btw...). and come out of the hall 5 mins before the quiz ends ( i would have come earlier but they dont allow people to go till it is 5 mins before the end...they firmly believe that if forced to stay in the exam hall, students have the tendency to rapidly remember what they have never studided and put it down on paper with blinding accuracy.)

then the routine continues for the next quiz. :)

and i call myself under achiever.
that must be the worst case of self pity humanity must have ever come across.


Anonymous said...

and are you trying to do something about it??am i sounding like ur pop

LEGOLAS said...

My POP has given up on me a long time back:(
He dosent talk to me about academics anymore. once in 4 months he asks me if i need any money.

Virdi said...

hey, u write good. try writing without cursing. (you can always say who the duck are u??) but anyways, put enthu in life and crack CAT. all the best. V....

LEGOLAS said...

eerr..the cursing was an attempt at reality writing. but i think what you say is true. to look more professional guess i have to let go of the reality part of it.

anyways glad u liked my writing. do keep coming back :)

LEGOLAS said...

and thanks for the wished virdi. really appreciate it.

ritzkini said...

hey pal,
both me and the guy above(virdi) passed out of iitm last year...part of the mba batch of,ur post on quizzing was definitely a reminder of the good ol' days at iitm..keep blogging !!!

LEGOLAS said...

thanks kini. will try to keep blogging;)